Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that aims to resolve family problems via enhancing and altering family communication. Multiple or all family members are involved in a family therapy to provide a space to explore and change familial dynamics. Family therapy can be to address problems such as family conflicts, divorce, parent-child bonding, discipline, mental health concerns, addiction, and sibling rivalry.
What does family therapists do?
Family therapy sessions have assisted thousands of households live together happily. A family therapist working from a family systems perspective assesses the family as a whole and tries to facilitate subtle changes in the way the family functions as a whole. This can facilitate better communication and the overall balance and harmony in the family.
Family therapy is beneficial in that in alters the communication dynamic from the start and can allow members of the family system to further assess the role they play in family disputes and troubles. Often the greatest difficulty can be getting all of the family members to agree to attend a session. A good way to get everyone to agree to attend a session is to point out the importance of any reluctant family member’s role in the ongoing struggles and more importantly to express how helpful they would be to another family member if they attended session. This can lessen stress about attending session, particularly of a family member is concerned they will be blamed for the current problems.
Family therapy in Pasadena is available for:
• Family counseling for child-parent clash. Child-parent relationship struggles are very normal and can happen because of inherent temperament differences between parents and children, differing parenting approaches from one parent to the other, concerns about fairness and dividing time between siblings. Often having a therapist present can aid the family in identifying where communication has gone awry and further mend bridges between family members by aiding everyone in feeling heard and understood.
• Family counseling for marriage problems can improve tense relationships by furtheringfamily bonding and aiding in creating mutually agreeable resolutions. Couples counseling can work to re-establish intimacy and connection, but can also be a place to begin a mutually agreed upon separation.
• Family sessions following a divorce can be for the purposes of navigating custody arrangements, facilitating parental consistency, furthering communication between parents, and providing a space for the children to gain a better understanding of the new familial dynamics at play.
• Family counseling for chronic illness or disability can facilitate weathering a quickly changing family dynamic. Therapy can aid in smoother transitions in navigating new roles and providing support for all of the family members during this challenging time. Family therapy can also be helpful in beginning to have some challenging conversations about caretaking and the future.